Polyamp AB
Founded in the 1980s and based in Sweden, Polyamp specialide in DC power conversion, developing and manufacturer of both AC/DC power supplies and DC/DC Converters.

Polymamp can provide AC/DC & DC/DC Converters in 19" modular base 1/2 & 19" rack modules 2U, 3U and 6 U. Inputs from 12 Vdc to 400 Vdc with outputs from 5Vdc to 120 Vdc. Offering products with high reliability and long life is our core aim. We also make customised design either extension from the standard range or specific design

Alongside their DC/DC offering are Polyamp’s power supplies. Specialising in high end 19" rack mounted solutions, customers that require a cassette-style (or Eurocard) mounting system with H15 connectors can use the PSC range of products. Alternatively, multiple mounting options are available for each of the ranges allowing a traditionally rack mounted unit to be mounted on DIN Rail or chassis mounted making them versatile to your requirements.